Why Partner With Us?

We are a registered travel company based in Nepal. Since 2010, the team has been working actively in the industry and expanding our networks. As a partner of Broad Adventure, you can join our networks and enlarge the business.

We believe that a true Himalayan adventure is a blend of endurance in general and a healthy dose of thrill in particular. We have affordable prices for all our trips. A lot of travelers can easily buy them. There is no compromise in quality just because the trips have lower prices. We deliver our best efforts to make clients’ trips more pleasant, unforgettable, and immortal with us.

We offer some of the most charming and memorable vistas in the world. With beyond a decade of experience in the industry, our team will help the client discover the beauty of the world’s highest mountains with trips to places like Nepal, Tibet, and Bhutan.

Our team members have carefully selected their specific skills. We aim to treat the client with the warmth and safety we would extend to our very own families! No matter what sort of outdoor lover you are, we are guided by the simple focus of “making your holidays immortal.”


  • 99% customer satisfaction
  • Great Value Guaranteed
  • Small-Group Size
  • Local Expert Guides
  • Hassel-Free Booking
  • Social Responsible
  • Excellent Service