Annapurna Base Camp Trek: Connectivity Status and Travel Guide

March 20, 2024

Annapurna Base Camp Trek: Connectivity Status and Travel Guide

The Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) trek is a bucket-list adventure for many trekking enthusiasts, offering stunning landscapes and a chance to immerse in the local culture. However, staying connected with the outside world can be challenging in such remote areas. This guide provides a detailed overview of the connectivity status along the Annapurna Base Camp trek, ensuring you are well-prepared to manage your communication needs during your journey.

Introduction to Annapurna Base Camp Trek

The Annapurna Base Camp trek is an iconic trekking route in Nepal that starts from the picturesque town of Pokhara and winds through lush forests, terraced fields, and traditional villages before reaching the base camp at an altitude of 4,130 meters. While the trek offers an unparalleled adventure experience, staying connected along the way requires some planning due to varying connectivity.

Mobile Network Coverage on the Trek

    1. Major Carriers:
    • Ncell: Known for its widespread network, Ncell provides decent coverage along the Annapurna Base Camp trek, although signal strength diminishes as you ascend.
    • Nepal Telecom (NTC): Another major provider, NTC, offers similar coverage with some variations in signal strength compared to Ncell.
  1. Coverage Breakdown:
    • Pokhara to Nayapul: Both Ncell and NTC offer strong coverage. You can easily make calls, send texts, and use mobile data.
    • Nayapul to Tikhedhunga/Ulleri: Signal strength remains strong with minor disruptions in dense forested areas.
    • Ulleri to Ghorepani: Coverage becomes patchier but is generally available in higher altitude spots and open areas.
    • Ghorepani to Tadapani: Expect variable coverage, with better signals in open and higher elevation areas.
    • Tadapani to Chhomrong: Coverage is good in villages, with occasional drops in deep valleys.
    • Chhomrong to Dovan: Limited connectivity, with sporadic signals near higher spots around Sinuwa.
    • Dovan to Deurali: Weak coverage with few areas providing signal.
    • Deurali to Machapuchare Base Camp (MBC): Minimal to no coverage. Be prepared for limited to no mobile signal.
    • MBC to Annapurna Base Camp (ABC): Very weak or no signal, making this section of the trek mostly disconnected from mobile networks.

Internet Access Along the Trek

  1. Wi-Fi Availability:

While mobile data can be unreliable, most teahouses along the Annapurna Base Camp trek offer Wi-Fi services, though they come at a cost. The quality and speed of the Wi-Fi vary significantly, especially as you gain altitude.

    • Pokhara to Chhomrong: Better Wi-Fi services are available, though expect basic connectivity that may not support heavy internet usage.
    • Chhomrong to ABC: Wi-Fi becomes limited and more expensive. Higher prices and slower speeds are common due to the remoteness.
  1. Tips for Using the Internet:
    • Purchase a data pack: Investing in a large data pack from Ncell or NTC before starting your trek can be beneficial.
    • Offline Maps and Apps: Download maps and essential apps for offline use to mitigate connectivity issues.
    • Messaging Apps: Utilize messaging apps like WhatsApp for communication when connected to Wi-Fi.

Power Availability for Charging Devices

Keeping your devices charged is crucial for maintaining connectivity. Here’s an overview of power availability:

    • Lower Sections (Pokhara to Chhomrong): Reliable electricity supply with occasional power cuts. Charging is often free or comes with a minimal fee.
    • Upper Sections (Chhomrong to ABC): Limited power supply, primarily dependent on solar power or generators. Charging devices can be expensive (up to $5 per hour).


    • Carry Power Banks: Bring multiple high-capacity power banks to keep your devices charged throughout the trek.
    • Solar Chargers: Consider bringing a solar charger for an eco-friendly and continuous power source.

Emergency Communication

Despite all preparations, emergencies can occur. Here’s how to stay prepared:

    • Satellite Phones: Renting a satellite phone ensures guaranteed connectivity in remote areas.
    • Emergency Contacts: Save local emergency numbers, including the nearest medical facilities and your country’s embassy contacts.
    • Local Guides: Hiring experienced guides with established emergency communication methods is highly recommended.


The Annapurna Base Camp trek is an extraordinary adventure that combines stunning natural beauty with the thrill of high-altitude trekking. While connectivity can be a challenge, being prepared can help you stay connected and ensure your safety throughout the journey. Embrace the adventure, prepare for limited connectivity, and savor the pristine beauty of the Annapurna region.

Call to Action:

Are you ready to embark on the Annapurna Base Camp trek? Book your adventure with Broad Adventure today and experience the trek of a lifetime. Our expert guides and comprehensive packages ensure a safe, enjoyable, and unforgettable journey. Contact us now to start planning your trek!

By understanding the connectivity status along the Annapurna Base Camp trek and preparing accordingly, your trek will be a seamless and memorable experience. Stay informed, stay connected, and enjoy the spectacular landscapes of the Annapurna region.

Happy trekking!

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