We, the BROAD ADVENTURE team, respect the privacy of our customers therefore we are committed to protect your personal information that you share with us while using our website, taking any service we provide and inquiring or booking a trip with us.

We request to all our customers to read carefully and understand our privacy policy how we use your personal information.

1.What information we collect from you?

We request our customers to provide their Name, email address, phone number, postal address, passport details, debit/credit card numbers and other details while booking a holiday, requesting a brochure, or joining our newsletter.

2.How we use the information collected from you?

We use your information to book flights, hotels, process for visa and to make permits (trekking, expedition etc.).

3.Will your information be disclosed or sold to the third party?

Broad Adventure team is very conscious on privacy concerns of its clients so we do not sell or publish publicly of any personal identifiable information collected from you. The information provided by you will only be accessible by Broad Adventure team. We won’t disclose any of your personal identifiable information unless required by law.

4.Where do we store the personal data collected from you?

All the personal identifiable information we collect from you over the internet will be stored securely without access to persons who do not work for Broad Adventure and we do not store any of your personal data to the server.

5.What are cookies and how does it works?

A small amounts of data stored on your computer while you browse our website, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier, is called cookie.

The cookies ease your visit to our site and assist us in recognizing you when you return for your next visit. If you would rather not enable cookies, you simply can deactivate them in your browser using the menu item “Process” (where you can also re-activate them).

6.What is unspecified information and what it is used for?

Unspecified information is the data we collect while you visit our website such as browser you used, date and time of your visit, your IP (Internet Protocol), pages you viewed and geographic region etc. We may use this information to diagnose problems with our server and administer the site – monitoring visitor traffic patterns and site usage which help us develop and improve our website further.

7.Reciprocal links to other websites:

In Our website in LINK EXCHANGE section contains the reciprocal links to other websites. If you click on any of these links you will directly enter to other site which is not belongs to Broad Adventure and will not be responsible of any loses or violation of privacy policy entering such external websites which belongs to other organizations or business firms.

8.Renewal of the Policy:

Broad Adventure has full right to change or to timely update the stated policy, if necessary. Pease contact us if you have any query or concerns with regards to the change of our privacy policy.